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Support materials

The following materials can be downloaded, or to have printed copies sent to you, contact us on 01 8535195 or oifig@gaelscoileanna.ie.


‘Ár bPolasaí Gaeilge’ Eagrán 2013 (bunleibhéal)

Gaelscoileanna Teo.’s guide to developing an Irish language policy for Irish-medium schools. We hope to publish a guide for post-primary schools regarding Irish-language policy development during 2015.

Polasaí Tumoideachais

The Steering Group on Immersion Education Policy (SGIP) developed an all-Ireland policy on immersion education in the context of Irish-medium education in 2010. The general aims of this policy are to influence immersion education policies in the future, and to increase and improve knowledge and understanding of Irish-language immersion education amongst the general public.

Promotional materials

Leaflet on Early Immersion

Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & English version

Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & French version

Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Polish version

Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Portugese version

Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Russian version

Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Romanian version

Poster 1

Poster 2