Support materials
The following materials can be downloaded, or to have printed copies sent to you, contact us on 01 8535195 or
‘Ár bPolasaí Gaeilge’ Eagrán 2013 (bunleibhéal)
Gaelscoileanna Teo.’s guide to developing an Irish language policy for Irish-medium schools. We hope to publish a guide for post-primary schools regarding Irish-language policy development during 2015.
The Steering Group on Immersion Education Policy (SGIP) developed an all-Ireland policy on immersion education in the context of Irish-medium education in 2010. The general aims of this policy are to influence immersion education policies in the future, and to increase and improve knowledge and understanding of Irish-language immersion education amongst the general public.
Promotional materials
Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & English version
Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & French version
Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Polish version
Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Portugese version
Bileog Tumoideachais: Irish & Russian version