2012 Conference
Self-assessment, Development, Excellence
This year’s conference was hosted in partnership with Eagraíocht na Scoileanna Gaeltachta Teo. in Galway on November 23rd 2012. The Conference gave teachers, principals, parents, Irish language organisations and local interest groups the opportunity to come together to discuss some of the major issues facing the Irish-medium sector and to celebrate its success.
We greatly welcome feedback from attendees of the Conference. The feedback forms distributed at the event may be posted back to us (GAELSCOILEANNA TEO., St. Patrick’s Hall, Marino Institiute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9) or a survey may be filled out online: Survey
Notes from the lecture and various workshops are available on the Irish language version of this page.
GAELSCOILEANNA TEO. Annual Report (in Irish only)