Dianchúrsa do dhaoine fásta
May 24, 2013
Dianchúrsa seachtaine sa Ghaeilge do dhaoine fásta le béim faoi leith ar labhairt is ar chruinneas na teanga i Ráth Chairn ón 24ú-28ú Meitheamh 2013 ag 9.30rn-3.30in.
Tuilleadh eolais 046-9432381/9432068
Gallagher: Only right and proper that EU recognises Irish language
May 24, 2013
A Fianna Fáil MEP is welcoming efforts to support the establishment of an Irish-language version of the official European Parliament website.
Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher has said the President of the European Parliament’s position will reverse what he said was “a matter of discrimination” against the Irish language.
The Parliament’s website is currently produced in 22 out of the 23 official EU languages.
Up until now, it has not been translated into the Irish language even though Irish has been an official EU language since 2007.
Mr Gallagher said this is welcome news: “We have our own languange, we have our own culture, and since 1973 all the treaties in the European Union have been made available in Irish.
“Prior to this we could correspond with the institutions in Irish and receive replies in Irish so I think it is only right and proper that our independence, our language, our culture, our heritage is recognised in the European parliament.”
Foilsithe ar 22 Bealtaine 2013 / Foilsithe ar Gaelport.com 24 Bealtaine 2013
Yeats College now enrolling for Irish summer college
May 24, 2013
Yeats College Galway has this week announced the return of its much sought after Irish language college.
In its fourth year, Colaiste Yeats offers a two-week day course for Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, and primary school students.
The first course for Junior and Leaving Certificate students commences on June 17 with a second course commencing on July 1. The course designed for fifth and sixth class primary school students also starts on July 1.
Yeats Irish Language College promises to provide a more appropriate course for the current generation of students, covering the Irish course curriculum while also allowing students to have fun through the optional activity modules. The courses have been extensively researched by the college and are modern and relevant, helping students to develop a better understanding of the language through classroom-based learning in the morning and adventure filled activities through Irish in the afternoon.
Principal of Yeats College, Terry Fahy, promises that the course will celebrate and cultivate a love of the Irish language while also thoroughly preparing students for their Leaving and Junior Certificate examinations.
“This course has been carefully researched to ensure that students take away lasting memories and an improved command of the language. The curriculum based classes will give students an excellent head-start for the upcoming school year, and the revision notes will be invaluable come exam time,” he said.
“Both courses are delivered by our qualified Irish language teachers who possess a second-to-none knowledge of the course curriculum. The classroom-based component of the college will cover the key areas of poetry, prose, essay writing, reading, grammar, and listening comprehension. A major emphasis will also be placed on oral exam preparation,” Mr Fahy added.
Students are divided into three groups: pre-Junior Certificate, pre-Leaving Certificate, and primary level for fifth and sixth class primary school students. The primary level course for fifth and sixth class primary students will cover vocabulary, grammar, conversation skills, aural comprehension, and creative writing.
The afternoon activities, through Irish, offer a combination of adrenaline-filled water sports activities coupled with team sports, ceilis, quizzes, and tours. These optional activities will help students to put their language skills to the test in a relaxed and fun environment.
All courses are two weeks in duration, Monday to Friday. The primary school students’ course runs from 9am to 3pm with the other courses running from 9am to 4pm. Yeats College is conveniently located on College Road in Galway city.
For more information on the Irish language college or any of the courses provided at Yeats College go to www.yeatscollege.ie or call 091 533500.
Foilsithe ar 23 Bealtaine 2013 / Foilsithe ar Gaelport.com 24 Bealtaine 2013
Siansa Gael Linn 2013 – repeat on TG4
May 23, 2013
If you missed the highlights from the Siansa Gael Linn 2013 final on TG4 recently, don’t worry! The station will broadcast the programme again on Sunday, 26 May at 8p.m. – enjoy the best of traditional music and song from eight young traditional groups!
Gradaim Chumarsáide an Oireachtais
May 23, 2013
Ba é fear na Ceathrún Rua, Cormac Ó hEadhra, buaiteoir mór na hoíche ag ócáid bhronnta Ghradaim Chumarsáide an Oireachtais Dé hAoine seo caite nuair a bronnadh an duais do láithreoir na bliana air agus freisin an gradam do chlár raidió na bliana ar a chlár Cormac ag a Cúig.
Is clár irise é Cormac ag a Cúig, le béim ar chúrsaí reatha, tuairisciú, plé, díospóireacht agus anailís ar scéalta nuachta an lae, a bhíonn le cloisteáil ag 5.00in ó Luan go hAoine.
Dúirt ceannaire Raidió na Gaeltachta, Edel Ní Chuireáin: “Comhghairdeas le Cormac, agus le foireann an chláir,ar na gradaim seo.
Tá Cormac ag a Cúig I ndiaidh dul i bhfeidhm go mór ar an lucht éisteachta ó tháinig sé ar an aer i mí Mheán Fómhair seo caite. Is craoltóir nádúrtha é Cormac agus tá sé ar dhuine de shárchraoltóirí na tíre seo,i mBéarla nó i nGaeilge.”
Seo leanas liosta iomlán na mbuaiteoirí:
Teilifís: Scannán/Clár
Teilifíse na bliana:Lón sa Spéir, Sónta Teo.
Teilifís:Scannán/Sraith Theilifíse na bliana:
Imeall,Redshoe Productions.
Teilifís: Scannán/ Craoltóir Teilifíse na bliana:
Dara Ó Cinnéide, Seo Spóirt.
Aisteoir na Bliana.
Tara Breathnach,Tina O’Dowd, Ros na Rún.
Raidió: Clár/Sraith Raidió na Bliana.
Cormac ag a Cúig,Raidió na Gaeltachta.
Raidió: Clár/Craoltóir
Raidió na Bliana.Cormac Ó hEadhra, Raidió na Gaeltachta.
Iriseoir/Colúnaí na Bliana.
Seán Tadhg Ó Gairbhí,Comhar, The Irish Times.
Suíomh idirlín na Bliana.
Buaicghradam chumarsáide: Pat Butler. Gradam speisialta: Raidió na Life – 20 bliain ar an aer.
Foilsithe ar 23 Bealtaine 2013
Bainisteoir Imeachtaí do Rith 2014
May 23, 2013
Is é Déardaoin 30 Bealtaine an spriocdháta iontrála don phost mar bhainisteoir imeachtaí le RITH Teo. d’Fhéile Rith 2014.
Is conradh lánaimseartha 8 mí a bheidh i gceist don phost ó mhí Mheán Fómhair 2013 go dtí Aibreán 2014. Is féidir iarratas a dhéanamh trí CV a sheoladh chuig post@rith.ie.
Beidh féile Rith 2014 ar siúl ón 7-15 Márta 2014 agus é mar cheann de phríomhimeachtaí Sheachtain na Gaeilge. Tá cúrsa dúshlánach leagtha amach chun ollrith sealaíochta a dhéanamh ó Bhaile Bhúirne i gContae Chorcaí go dtí Béal Feirste. Tá sé fógartha ag Rith freisin go bhfuil €15,000 dáilte acu ar ghrúpaí Ghaeilge fud fad na tíre.
D’eascair na deontais seo as brabús ó Rith 2012. B’fhéile náisiúnta a bhí i Rith 2012 a mheall 27,000 le páirt a ghlacadh in ollrith sealaíochta a bhí ar siúl ón 8- 17 Márta 2012 thar chúrsa 700km, ó Ghaoth Dobhair go hInis Mór, Árann. Scaipeadh an ciste ar 32 coiste atá ag feidhmiú i 15 contae ar
thograí pobail, teaghlaigh, spóirt, oideachais, drámaíochta, ealaíona, idirlíon agus óige.
Dúirt cathaoirleach Ciste Rith, Lorcán Mac Gabhann, “Fuair muid líon ard iarratais agus is cúis áthais
dúinn gur éirigh le Ciste Rith tacaíocht a chur ar fáil do 32 grúpa éagsúla ar fud na tire agus iad ag eagrú imeachtaí agus gníomhaíochtaí Gaeilge. Tá muid dóchasach go mbeidh an chéad Rith eile in ann níos mó tacaíochta a chuir ar fáil d’imeachtaí mar seo.”
I gcontae na Gaillimhe bronnadh na deontais seo leanas: An comhlacht Gar, €300 do shuíomh idirlín; Conradh na Gaeilge, Maigh Cuilinn, €500 do chlub drámaíochta don óige; Tuismitheoirí na Gaeltachta, €750 do cheardlann chumadóireachta agus amhránaíochta; agus Coiste Pobail na bhForbacha, €750 do cheardlann cheoil.
Foilsithe ar 23 Bealtaine 2013
Moltaí á gcur chun cinn ag Gaelscoileanna maidir le pleananna Ruairí Quinn rialachán a chur faoin gcleachtas iontrála i scoileanna na tíre
May 23, 2013
Comhdháil na Comhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) – 10 mBliana ar Aghaidh – Óráid an Rúnaí Ginearálta, An Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna: Seán Ó Foghlú
May 23, 2013
EU4Schools developing citizenship skills, creativity and information on the European Union
May 23, 2013
EU4Schools creates a new opportunity for secondary school students, giving a simple understanding of the European Union and its functions, and an opportunity for teenagers to share their opinions on the European Union.
The interactive website, EU4Schools gives young people the direction to communicate with the European Union. Digital learning is central to the website, providing online resources to both students and teachers to broaden students’ understanding of the European Union, and giving users the chance to utilise their role as European Union citizens.
EU4Schools covers many subjects which help in secondary school in the form of class projects, essays, debates and digital storytelling projects. It is an innovative way of learning, with emphasis put on digital media through podcasts, videos and digital storytelling available in the classroom.
In terms of classroom projects, EU4Schools inspires students’ creativity, independent thinking and use of digital media. The website also provides topics for open student-teacher discussions including citizenship, advocacy and empowerment. It aims to develop students’ skills and experience in a range of real life projects. The website also aims to help students meet their targets, as well as taking part in class debates, blogs, videos and cartoons – with an emphasis on sharing between students and their peer groups.
EU4Schools gives teachers thefreedom to administrate their own programs, on any subject they wish, with access to a range of modules via the website – all of which are related to the school curriculum and participation in the EU.
EU4Schools is the first of its kind, giving us a brand new product, which is very important during the year of the Irish Presidency of the European Union for the first time since 2004, and due to the fact that 2013 is European year of Citizens.
Founded and developed by director, Camilla Fanning, teacher and lecturer on the European Union, along with a national and international web development team, EU4Schools is available both in English and Irish. A trial version is available at www.eu4schools.com for one school term only and a yearly subscription is available by e-mailing subscribe@eu4schools.ie.
Foilsithe ar Gaelport.com
Cad é an rud is fearr leat faoin samhradh?
May 23, 2013