Dhá fholúntas – Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta
September 30, 2014
Design-a-card i nGaeilge
September 30, 2014
IMRAM 2014 – Clár na Féile
September 30, 2014
Clon gaelscoil raise funds for Jason’s jeep
September 30, 2014
GAELSCOIL Mhichíl Uí Choileáin participated in the recent no uniform day when pupils in all schools throughout West Cork were encouraged to come to school in plain clothes and make donations to the Jeep for Jason campaign; €630 was raised by the Gaelscoil pupils.
The school also held a coffee day and cake sale with proceeds divided between the Jeep for Jason campaign; Just One and the school’s ASD Unit; this realised another €315 for Jason’s Jeep.
A cheque totalling €945 from the two fundraisers was presented by Príomhoide of Gaelscoil Mhichíl Uí Choileáin Ms Carmel Nic Airt to representatives of the Ballinascarthy Community Association who are spearheading the Jeep for Jason campaign.
Clonakilty Mayor opens new “Le Chéile” facility at Gaelscoil
September 30, 2014
MAYOR of Clonakilty Colette Twomey recently performed the official opening of the new “Le Chéile” facility at the local Gaelscoil Mhichíl Uí Choileáin. “Le Chéile” is a new state-of-the-art facility on the school grounds which Gaelscoil pupils can attend before and after normal school times.
Príomhoide of An Gaelscoil, Ms. Carmel NicAirt said that the facility was put in place in response to some parents working away from Clonakilty during the day who had difficulties delivering and collecting near school times.
“They approached us to enquire if we would consider putting a service in place whereby the children could be dropped off earlier in the mornings, or stay on up to 6.00pm in the evenings in a supervised setting. We conducted a survey among our school families to ascertain interest and proceeded with the facility during the summer as a result.It is a local initiative, responding to a local need”, she said emphasising that “Le Chéile” is not part of any franchise or company but a Gaelscoil service for families of the Gaelscoil.
Named “Le Chéile”, (the Irish word for “Together”), the not-for-profit facility employs Kate Ní Shúilleabháin who has a degree in Childcare and has six years experience in childcare work already. It is expected to expand over the coming months with two other employees being taken on.
Mayor Colette Twomey praised the initiative whereby the school has responded to parents needs. “It’s a win, win situation with employment created, and parents assured that their children are cared for in a professional environment on the school campus outside of usual school hours”, she said as she wished the facility and the Gaelscoil well into the future.
Folúntas: Gaelscoil Phort Láirge
September 30, 2014
Folúntas: Coláiste Muire, Co. Mhaigh Eo
September 30, 2014
DES: Call for Submissions for New Statement of Strategy 2015-2017
September 25, 2014
In accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, the Department of Education and Skills is currently preparing a new Statement of Strategy for the three year period from 2015-2017. This key policy document will focus on Government priorities and set out the strategic direction and high level goals of the Department for that period.
As part of this process, we are now consulting with stakeholders and clients and would be grateful to receive your input, suggestions and views regarding any strategic issues that, in your view, should be incorporated in our Statement of Strategy.
Our Mission
The Department of Education and Skills is responsible for education and training in Ireland and its mission is to enable learners to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development.
In pursuit of this mission, the Department aims to:
Provide a quality inclusive school and early years education system, with improved learning outcomes.
Provide opportunities for upskilling and reskilling that meet the needs of individuals and the labour market.
Provide high quality learning, research and innovation opportunities in the higher education sector.
Plan and provide appropriate infrastructure for learning environments.
In support of these high-level goals, the Department is engaged in a wide range of activities covering the key elements of policy planning, quality assurance, resourcing, regulation and evaluation, as well as providing a broad range of support services for the education sector.
New Statement of Strategy
Our new Statement of Strategy will be informed by the document Ireland’s Education and Training Sector-Overview of service delivery and reform and will focus on its four main themes of Learning for life, Improving Quality and Accountability, Supporting Inclusion and Diversity and Building the Right Systems and Infrastructure. We would be grateful for your views on this approach.
More detailed information on our business activities can be found on our Management & Organisation page. Our existing Statement of Strategy 2011-2014 can be downloaded here.
How to contribute
If you would like to contribute input or suggestions, please forward your submission by email before Friday 10th October to: corporate_governance@education.gov.ie
Folúntas: Múinteoir de dhíth le haghaidh diancheachtanna Gaeilge
September 25, 2014
Ceardlann – Á heagrú i gcomhar le IMRAM agus Áras na Scríbhneoirí
September 25, 2014