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RTÉ’s Irish Language Policy Submissions

December 20, 2012

RTÉ is framing a policy on the Irish Language. RTÉ’s Working Group on Irish Language Policy for RTÉ wants to hear from you. What kind of Irish-language media do you want from RTÉ? Remember that TG4 is a station which exists because Irish speakers fought for it, it’s role is seperate to RTÉ 1+2 in relation to language. Your comments should therefore be in relation to RTÉ’s use of Irish on RTÉ 1+2.

You can submit general comments to teanga@rte.ie , reference: Irish Language Policy for RTÉ. The extended closing date for receipt of comments is Friday 21 December.

Please find link to document below:


Gaeilge Locha Riach

Tel: 091 870718

Email: oifig@lochariach.com
