Freedom Surf School – Bilingual Adventure Education Centre
November 27, 2017
Gaeilge sa Trá Mhór le Scoil Surfála Freedom
Experience the Irish Language in a modern context from our ” Surf Cottage Facility in Tramore”
Our focus is on Developing Oral Skills through Active Learning.Throw yourself into the Irish Language and participate in one of our Gaeilge Surf & Adventure programmes.Our ethos is all about having fun while learning Irish at the same time.In 2008 we became Ireland’s first Bilingual Surf School : “Freedom Scoil Surfála “We began our ” Gaeilge Journey” by going back to school, learning Irish and then used it while working in the surf school. The language literally came alive as we began to use it in an ordinary every day way.
Over the years we have developed a Team of Irish Language Instructors and Teachers who deliver our Bilingual Surf and Advenure Activities . With the Approval of Foras na Gaeilge and The Irish Surfing Association and supported by our elite partner Billabong – Schools from all over Ireland return year after year to enjoy our unique Irish Language Trips
What do we Offer as Gaeilge:
- Ceachteanna Surfála trí Ghaeilge – Surf Lessons through Irish
- Turais Scoile – School Tours trí Ghaeilge – Half Day & Full Day Tours
- Fanacht Thar Oíche – Overnight Gaeilge Surf & Adventure Trip. Meals, Hostel / Hotel Accommodation Included
- Surfing & WaterSafety Programme as Gaeilge – 3 sessions over Three weeks
- Irish Language Summer Surf Camps July & August 1 & 2 week Camps
- Surfing Certificate Course As Gaeilge. Secondary Schools
- Weekend Gaeilge Activity Programme for Adults
- Irish Language Surfing Experience for International Visitors
Fun, Adventure and learning Trí Ghaeilge for schools, Families and community groups. The Level of Irish is geared to suit each Group : Beginner – Intermediate and Advance
More info: Billy Butler – Bainisteoir Freedom Scoil Surfála.
0863914908 – 051386773.