Special Needs in Irish medium Education to be discussed at conference
November 30, 2011
Minister for Education in Northern Ireland, John Ó Dowd will attend a conference on special needs in Irish medium education, which will take place in the Seán Hollywood Arts Centre, Newry tomorrrow, December 1st.
The conference organised by POBAL will focus on how to maximize North/South cooperation in relation to the training and support needs of the Irish medium education sector when providing for children with additional educational needs. Educators, teachers, and representatives from all aspects of the sector will be attending this conference to share information and explore ideas in relation to joint-working initiatives, particularly in relation to the development of training and research in this area. Professor Dónall Ó Baoill will chair this debate.
This conference draws on the research carried out by POBAL, Special Education Needs in Irish medium schools: All-island research on the support and training needs of the sector.
Janet Muller, Chief Executive of POBAL says there are “interesting opportunities to maximize resources but, as you can imagine, there are also some difficulties to overcome. We believe that it is possible to strengthen these links and find useful ways to share information on a more structured basis.”
Foilsithe ar Gaelport.com 29 Samhain 2011