Gaelscoil’s new site sale gets green light
September 23, 2010
The EUR900,000 sale of the Co. Council’s machinery yard and its former offices in Irishtown, Clonmel to the Department of Education for use as a permanent site for the town’s Gaelscoil has received the crucial go ahead from the local authority’s elected members.
South Tipperary Co. Council’s public representatives unanimously gave the go ahead at their September meeting to proceed with the sale of the site of just under 1.4acres to the Department of Education and Skills.
The Council’s solicitor has now forwarded the decision to the Minister for Education. Council spokesman John O’Mahoney said that all remained to be done was to complete the legal formalities and payment. He said the Council hoped to finalise the sale within the next few months.
Gaelscoil Chluain Meala has rented the Council’s former offices in Irishtown since it was first founded in 1994 and over the past 16 year staff and parents have campaigned for a permanent home for the school. Over the years a number of moves were mooted, including a transfer to the site of the Tipperary Institute, but the school’s temporary home is now to become its permanent location. The school currently has 297 pupils and 11 teachers.
Gaelscoil Chluain Meala Principal Treasa Nic Dhiarmada has welcomed the decision of the Council’s elected members, though she pointed out that the school hasn’t heard anything officially from the Council or Department about this latest progress in the sale of the property. “We are delighted because we feel it makes sense that this fine site should become the Gaelscoil’s permanent home. “The biggest problem is the building and its small rooms. The idea would be to refurbish the building and build on additional classrooms. It would be the ideal solution to our problem.”
She said the sale of the property to the Department of Education will immediately mean the school no longers has to pay rent for its accommodation for the first time in 16 years. Once the sale goes through, Ms Nic Dhiarmada said the school will turn its attention to securing funding for the refurbishment and extension. “We are really looking forward to the whole refurbishment process,” she said.
The Nationalist – Aileen Hahesy
23 Meán Fómhair 2010