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€1 Million Childcare Centre in Carna officially opened

June 26, 2012

Advancements on a new Childcare Centre in Carna which was officially opened on 18 June were made with an investment of €1 million funded by Pobal and Údarás na Gaeltachta.

“Without a doubt, the centre plays a critical role in providing pre-school and after school services and facilities through the medium of Irish for the local community”, State Minister Dinny McGinley said at the official opening of the Centre.

Forbairt Chonamara Láir played a central role in the development of the centre which has been providing services since September.

There are 40 children attending naíonra, Montessori and after school services and in addition to the Centre’s everyday functions, play groups and summer camps are also available which provide extra support for the local community.

The Centre employs eight childcare professionals and also stands as centre-point in terms of early education through Irish and supporting families raising children through Irish.

The Centre has developed significantly since it opened in September having extended the number of children attending services from 14 – 40 in that time.

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