Irish drive’s second birthday party to take place in CoC13
June 4, 2013
THE second birthday party for an initiative to get as many people as possible across the whole of Northern Ireland speaking the Irish language by 2015 will take place in Londonderry UK City of Culture in 2013.
Last year’s Líofa (fluent) Party, which took place over one day in Custom House Square in Belfast last year, cost £17k.
It featured performances from a range of artists including renowned Dungiven harpist Nodlaig Brolly.
Culture Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has now announced that this year’s birthday party will take place in Londonderry in September.
The Minister explained: “This year’s Líofa birthday party will be held in Derry, as part of the City of Culture.”
The Culture Minister concluded: “The event will be held in early September and will provide a focus for individuals and Irish Language organisations with the aim of promoting and publicising the Irish Language to all.”