New principals take over at Gaelcholáiste and Borris
July 28, 2011
Two schools in the county will have a new face at the helm this September. Gearoidín Ní Chonghaile has been appointed as principal of Gaelcholáiste Cheatharlach, taking over from Caitlín Mhic Cárthaigh on 1 September 2011, while John O’Sullivan will replace Kieran Lucas as principal of Borris VS also on day one of the academic year.
Cynthia Deane, CEO of Carlow VEC, congratulated the two new principals and wished them every success in their new roles.
“This is a challenging time for educators, but we are truly fortunate in County Carlow VEC to have school leaders of such high calibre as Gearóidín Ní Chonghaile and John O’Sullivan,” she said. “The new principals will build on the successful traditions established by their predecessors, and honour their legacy by continuing to offer excellent educational opportunities in Gaelcholáiste Cheatharlach and in Borris Vocational School.”
Gearóidín was born in the Connemara Gaeltacht,
Cois Fharraige in County Galway. She was educated at Sailearna National School, Inverin, and Coláiste Chroí Mhuire, Spiddal.
She received her degree in Irish and history and her higher diploma in education from University College Galway. She began her teaching career in Gaelcholáiste Cheatharlach in 1992.
Her students have received numerous awards in recognition of their achievements in history and Irish from the Department of Education, Gael-linn and Foinse. Gearóidín’s interest in amateur dramatics began during her studies at university and she continues to participate in acting with Carlow’s Aisteoirí an Lóchrainn.
John was born in Listowel, Co Kerry. He was educated in St. Michael’s College, Listowel and holds a science degree and higher diploma in education from NUI, Maynooth.
He began his teaching career with Co Westmeath VEC in 1993. He came to Borris Vocational School in 1997 and was appointed deputy principal in 2006.
John is very active in promoting extracurricular activities in the school.
Under his guidance, students have participated in the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition.
He is also involved in soccer coaching and promoting interest in photography.
John is an active member of Graignamanagh Rowing Club and is also a member of the Borris Men’s Choir.
26 Iúil 2011