Ruairi Quinn plans to make school enrolment fairer
April 3, 2013
Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn is to publish draft legislation in the coming months aimed at making school enrolment policies fairer. The legislation is aimed at making policies more just, especially for newcomers to an area, and other groups, such as children from the travelling community. It has been almost two years since the Department of Education published a discussion document on school enrolment policies. It outlined proposals to make the school entry system fairer to all, proposals including the outlawing of the practice of giving priority to the children of past pupils or staff. Practices such as this disadvantage newcomers and others, including children from the travelling community. Yesterday evening the minister said he would be bringing draft legislation to Cabinet shortly. Parents would no longer have to pay simply to apply for a school place. It would also outlaw schools interviewing parents and children prior to acceptance. Mr Quinn said the draft legislation would be published in coming months for consultation. Later today Mr Quinn will address the Teachers’ Union of Ireland’s annual congress in Galway. Yesterday, he was heckled during his speeches at the conferences of the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland and the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation.