Oideoir sna Luathbhlianta Naíonra – Early Years Educator in Naíonra
August 22, 2016
Applications sought for the position of an Early Years Educator in Naíonra Chrónáin
at Áras Chrónáin Irish Cultural Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.
An Naíonra:
Naíonra Chrónáin is an All Irish Naíonra.
Naíonra Chrónáin is a busy naíonra running morning and afternoon sessions. The authorities in Naíonra Chrónáin are committed to providing high quality care and education to the children who attend their service. We have a passion for outdoor play and risky play and a belief in keeping up to date with new research to ensure we are always providing the highest quality care and education we can.
A minimum of FETAC Level 5 Certification in Childcare / Early childhood Education (Major Award) or equivalent or higher level qualification in early years’ education and care, with experience, and with fluency in spoken Irish.
An Ghaeilge:
If you are not fully fluent in spoken and written Irish but have Leaving Certificate standard in Irish we can assist you in improving your spoken Irish if necessary.
Key Responsibilities:
To work in our active and fun pre–school environment both indoor and outdoor. To be involved in curriculum planning, observation and report keeping duties. The successful candidate should have a commitment and passion to quality, strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and be a good team player while also possessing initiative.
Post: Full-time position
Salary: Competitive salary depending on qualifications and experience
Application letter and CV to:
An Cathaoirleach, Muintir Chrónáin Teo,
Áras Chrónáin Ionad Cultúir, Bóthar an Úlloird, Cluain Dolcáin, Baile Átha Cliath 22. (eolas@araschronain.ie / 01-4574847)
Closing Date for applications: Thursday 25/08/2016 before 5.00p.m.