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Education Minister invests in Irish-medium pre-school sector

July 1, 2014

Education Minister, John O’Dowd, is to provide interim funding for pre-school services currently provided by Altram.

Over a number of years, Altram has provided a range of specialist support and training services to Irish-medium pre-schools. They will experience a short-fall in their funding for pre-school services following the changes being brought in by Foras na Gaeilge as a result of an North South Ministerial Council decision made last year.

The Minister said: “Altram currently provides a range of important specialist support for the Irish-medium pre-school sector. The future provision of some of the services is now uncertain.

“In light of the priority which I attach to the role for early years education services in the delivery of the Department’s vision and goals I have agreed to provide some short-term transitional funding to provide security of service in the immediate future.

“The funding will be managed by Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta to maintain essential support services for Irish-medium pre-school provision. I also intend to review how services to this sector are delivered to ensure that a more strategic way forward can be decided and implemented as soon as possible”.
