Jack and Jill Foundation
April 29, 2011
Children’s charity The Jack and Jill Foundation have launched the Phones for Boards scheme to raise money for children in need and to benefit the schools which take part.
Jack and Jill are collecting old mobile phones from schools. They recycle the phones and sell them on. Two thirds of the profit from this goes back to the charity and the remaining third returns to the schools. Coupled with this, the two schools which collect the largest number of old mobile phones will win a school visit from Jedward during the month of June, another great incentive to take part!
Ordinarily, Jack and Jill distribute the profits from this scheme to schools in the form of products and equipment such as: interactive white-boards, laptop computers, books, sports jerseys, and equipment and the like. In cases where the school doesn’t require any of these, cash is given to them. Further information is available on www.jackandjill.ie/phonesforboards or 1850-525545. Calls in Irish are welcome and Shane Whelan is the person who deals with Irish-medium schools.
The Jack and Jill Foundation works to provide respite care and support for seriously ill children and their families.