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National Rally Outside Dáil Éireann on 17th Feb 2015

February 11, 2015

The Association of Childhood Professionals (ACP) is organising a national rally on Tuesday 17th February 2015 from  1-3pm, outside Dáil Éireann. The rally is being organised to highlight the importance of early childhood education and care, and the vital role played by childhood professionals in supporting children and families in the foundation stage of development. The main aim of this rally is to demand additional funding for the early years sector. Further details about the rally are available at: http://www.acpireland.com/national-rally.html

Development officers from Gaelscoileanna Teo. plan on attending the rally to show our support to the naíonraí. We will meet in Buswell’s Hotel at midday and go from there on to the rally, so that the naíonraí will be able to go as a group and participate in the rally.