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New Newsletter and a Box of Books to be Won

January 22, 2013

Cló Iar-Chonnacht are to begin a new newsletter for schools that will focus on books in the classroom.

The newsletter, which will be published every couple of months, will include information on the latest Irish language books that are suitable for classroom use as well as discounts on books for schools and prizes to give away.

We will be including information on the best use of books in the classroom and will answer teacher’s questions in the newsletter too. If you have suggestions for anything you would like to see featured in this newsletter, please do let us know by emailing poibliocht@cic.ie.

There will be a box of books to be won by a school and every email address that is registered will be entered into the draw. We will announce the winner in the first newsletter that will be published on Monday, 4th February.

If you’d like to register for this newsletter, just send us an email with the word ‘register’. Also, please let us know if you are with a primary or secondary school.