Funding for Naiscoil an Creagain from Education Minister – O’Muirí
Iúil 11, 2014
Sinn Féin’s local Irish language spokesperson Barra O’Muirí has said that Education Minister John O’Dowd’s decision to provide interim funding to Altram has provided stability and security for Naiscoil an Creagain.
Speaking following the announcement that Altram, which funds Irish Medium pre-school provision across the north, will receive funding from the Department of Education Councillor Ó Muirí said, “Altram will experience a short-fall in their funding following the changes being brought in by Foras na Gaeilge as a result of an North South Ministerial Council decision made last year.
“This had a knock on effect on our local Irish Medium Pre School facility – Naiscoil an Creagain as there were concerns that services would have to be cut due to lack of funding.
“However John O’Dowd’s announcement has meant that the Naiscoil will not loose any fudning and services will be maintained. This is wonderful news and a sensible decision from the Minister.
He added, “I am delighted, knowing the excellent work that Naiscoil an Cresgain are doing and I think that this news, coupled with the £14.5 Million investment in a new second level school in Crossmaglen demonstrates Sinn Féin’s ongoing commitment to education in South Armagh.”