Cúrsa do Mhúinteoirí
Márta 28, 2013
Tá an Chomhairle Náisiúnta Tuismitheoirí – Bunbhrainse (NPC) ag cur cúrsa ar siúl do mhúinteoirí an samhradh seo. Tá eolas sa bhreis san iatán thíos ach tá fáilte roimh dhaoine glaoch a chur orthu mar gheall air.
In 2012 National Parents Council Primary delivered its first summer course for teachers on Working with Parents to support their children’s learning. We received very positive feedback from the teachers who participated in the course. The course introduces participants to NPC who we are and what we do. It explores topics such as parents as partners in education. It also discusses the current research regarding the involvement of parents in their children’s education. It looks at practical approaches for teachers and schools on how to involve parents in their children’s education. The final topic is on school self evaluation with regard to parental involvement.
Review of summer course
My name is Kathleen McKiernan and I am in my third year as the Home School Community Liaison teacher in Holy Rosary Primary School in Oldcourt Tallaght.I attended the summer course for teachers entitled “Working with Parents to support their children’s learning” run by the National Parents Council from July 2nd-6th in 2012.
This was a very informative and enjoyable week. The course content was very varied and interesting especially the information we were given on the NCP itself, its structures and how it supports parents and teachers in schools.
While I teach in a school where Parental involvement has always been central, I learned much from both the tutors and the discussions within the group. The group, made up mostly of classroom teachers, were given very useful information and support on how to involve parents in their children’s learning. We explored some of the research
to back this up and were given lots of very practical ideas on how to implement it.
The course succeeded in doing “what it says on the tin” and was very useful for both classroom and Home School Community Liaison teachers.
We are intending to run the above summer course again this year from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July. If you would like more information please contact Deirdre Sullivan, Training and Development Officer at dsullivan@npc.ie or directly on 01-8874481.
US visitors treated to early morning Spirit of Connemara wake-up call
Márta 28, 2013
Vistors from the US arrived off a flight at 5am to be greeted to more of an Irish experience than they had bargained for as local sean-nós dancer Emma O’Sullivan and Aran Island natives, the Mulkerrin Brothers, were there at Shannon Airport recently ready to treat them to a musical performance traditional Irish style.
This musical wake-up call was not just some bonus that came with increased air miles, but rather it was part of an unique marketing campaign to promote the new tourism initiative ‘Spirit of Connemara’ which hopes to attract more visitors to our shores giving them a real taste of Connemara.
The ‘Spirit of Connemara’, run by Celtic Footstep, is a specially tailored Irish culture tourism package set up to coincide with The Gathering and the International Hurling Festival which takes place in Galway this September. It aims to showcase the very best talent of Connemara cultural traditions, from folklore to history, and Irish language to music and dance. During their tour, guests will be treated to lessons in the basics of Irish language, ceili dancing, and taken to hurling matches. Well known local broadcaster Séan Bán Breachnach will also be on hand to act as MC for the guests at a Ceili Mor.
Speaking at the early morning launch at Shannon Airport, Celtic Footstep spokesperson Kerry O’Sullivan said: “The ‘Spirit of Connemara’ is all about showcasing Connemara as the best place in the world to experience Irish language and traditions. In the words of President Michael D Higgins we are putting out a call or ‘Glaoch’ to all those with a connection to Connemara, to those who attended Irish college here or who have an interest in Irish culture and language to connect with the unique heritage of the Connemara Gaeltacht in September.”
Celtic Footstep has created a group tour package, which will showcase the unique experience that the Connemara Gaeltacht has to offer visitors to the area, which will comprise six nights’ accommodation, transport and tour package from September 19 to 24.
For further information log onto www.celticfootstep.com /join-a-tour/spirit-of-connemara, phone 091 591222, or email enquiries@celticfootstep.com.
Foilsithe ar 28 Márta 2013
Grá don Ghaeilge
Márta 28, 2013
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2013 took place this year on March 4-17, and Irish people everywhere were dusting off their cúpla focal for the occasion.
Events as Gaeilge were organised around the country and national media and businesses took part; including Tayto, who released a limited edition multipack of ‘cáis agus oinniún’ crisps.
Unfortunately, with the end of the celebration comes the end of the use of Irish. Which begs the question – is two weeks a year enough to keep Ireland’s first national language alive?
Yvonne Ní Mhurchú, principal of Gaelscoil Longfoirt says that the language should be embraced all year long. “Consistency has to be shown and Irish should be used all year long. They can’t think of it as a festival or event that’s celebrated once a year like Christmas, and Hallowe’en,” she said.
Gaelscoil Longfoirt first opened its doors in 1998, and this year the school will celebrate its 15th birthday with the launch of their new interactive website. Ms Ní Mhurchú hopes that this website will help both those in the school community and the wider public to keep up their use of the Irish language, and encourage them to continue to learn.
Of course, there are those who say Irish is a dead language and a waste of valuable resources. It has even been suggested that Irish should become an optional subject in schools. Ms Ní Mhurchú strongly disagrees, saying that people’s mindset towards the language needs to change.
“It’s very important to focus on the positive, not the negative. If Irish is optional, should maths be optional? If school was optional, how many would attend? It’s all about living the language and using it as a social medium. What’s good for Béarla is good for Gaeilge.”
Indeed according to the 2011 census figures, Irish is far from dead. The results gathered by the CSO tell us that 1,759,026 people in Ireland – over a third of the population- have some knowledge of the Irish language. Out of those people, over 77,000 said that they used Irish on a daily basis outside of the education system. Furthermore, according to Gaelscoileanna TEO in the academic year 2011/2012 there was over 43,000 pupils attending Irish-medium education outside of the Gaeltacht in the island of Ireland.
Irish-medium schools are crucial to the development and upkeep of the language, and there are several advantages to a Gaelscoil education. Ms Ní Mhurchú explains that when a child attends a Gaelscoil “that child is not just learning a language, but becoming bilingual” which has proven to be beneficial when it comes to understanding other cultures and learning new languages.
In the President’s “Being Young and Irish” report which was published in March 2013, the Irish language and identity are listed amongst the most important things to the youth in Ireland today. Ms Ní Mhurchú believes we should grant them their wish and give them their identity, adding that “identity is the one thing we have. It is important and crucial to us all.”
While Seachtain na Gaeilge is a wonderful celebration of Irish and “irishness”, more needs to be done all year round to keep that same love and enthusiasm for the language.
Ms Ní Mhurchú makes the point that it’s not difficult to keep using Irish, and that there are opportunities out there for those wishing to use it.
“I love giving children a love for Irish and I encourage them to avail of the opportunities that are available to them. Irish has to be a living language. Put your Irish on Facebook and Twitter, and enjoy yourself in Irish.”
Foilsithe ar Gaelport.com 28 Márta 2013
Ceardlann Drámaíochta: Tuairimí Drámaíochta don Aos Óg
Márta 27, 2013
Cén uair? Dé Sathairn an 13 Aibreán, 10.30 – 1.30
Cén áit? Seomra M229, Institúid Oideachais Marino.
Úna McCabe a bheidh i mbun na ceardlainne seo, dírithe ar an drámaiocht don aos óg, 3-6 bliana d’aois. Ceardlann phraiticiúil a bheidh anseo, do dhaoine a bhíonn ag obair le leanaí 3-6 bliana d’aois. Pléifear neart smaointe agus tuairimí maidir le tús a chur le drámaíocht, agus le bogadh ar aghaidh le drámaíocht leis an aoisghrúpa seo. Díreofar ar an leabhar “Owl Babies”, le Martin Waddell. Foghlaimeoidh na rannpháirtithe conas pointí tosaigh maithe don drámaíocht a aithint. Beidh na gníomhaíochtaí sa cheardlann seo inaistrithe thar leabhair agus topaicí eile. Cuirfear nótaí ar fáil freisin, agus moltaí maidir leis na gníomhaíochtaí a chur in oiriúint don raon aoise, ón bpáiste réamhscoile go dtí na Naíonáin Shinsearacha.
As Béarla a reachtálfar an Cheardlann, ach beidh na tuairimí agus gníomhaíochtaí luachmhar do gach duine a bhíonn ag obair leis an aoisghrúpa seo.
Bhain an Dr. Una McCabe PhD in Drámaíocht sna Blianta Tosaigh amach i Roinn an Oideachais Luath-Óige i gColáiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh, agus múineann sí Oideachas Drámaíochta i gColáiste Phádraig, Drom Conrach. Scríobh sí an leabhar “Classroom Drama: A Practical Guide”, téacs luachmhar do mhúinteoirí agus do mhicléinn drámaíochta. Tá spéis ar leith ag Una in obair le páistí réamhscoile agus le naíonáin.
Téigh chuig www.adei.ie chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil agus chun áit a chur in áirithint.
Ranganna, tionscnaimh & ceardlanna ceoil trí Ghaeilge
Márta 27, 2013
Cuireann ‘An Mobile Music School’ cláir ceoil, ranganna dírithe ar na huirlisí agus ceardlanna ar fáil i scoileanna. Tá foireann iontach proifisiúnta againn. Tá gach duine againn cáilithe agus ina theannta sin, tá taithí iontach againn. Bheadh an fhoireann sásta na ranganna a chur ar fáil trí mhéan na Gaeilge. Is minic a bhíonn an fhoireann i dteagmháil le scoileanna agus go dtí seo, tá suim mhór léirithe ag scoileanna ins na ranganna atá a chur ar fáil againn. Ar an ábhar sin, ba bhreá linn deis a fháil labhairt leat agus ár ndóigh cúpla rang nó ceardlann a chur ar siúl i do scoil.
Faoi láthair, tá dhá tairiscint iontach á chur ar fáil againn. Táimid ag súil le ‘Lá na nDrumaí’ a chur ar siúl i scoileanna. Cosnaíonn na laethanta seo €2 an dalta ar an mbunús go bhfuil idir 27 – 32 dalta i ngach rang. Ina theannta sin, is féidir linn cláir seachtainiúil a chur le chéile ó €1 an dalta.
Má tá spéis agat na ceardlanna nó na ranganna iontacha seo a chur ar siúl, ná bíodh drogall ar bith ort dul i dteagmháil linn. Bheadh muid an-sásta glacadh le ceisteanna agus tá an fhoireann ag súil go mór le cloisteáil uait.
Ticéid do Siansa Gael Linn le buachan
Márta 26, 2013
Beidh Craobhchomórtas Siansa Gael Linn ar siúl sa Cheoláras Náisiúnta i mBaile Átha Cliath ar an Domhnach, 14 Aibreán 2013 agus an tseachtain seo, beidh deis iontach ag beirt dhá thicéad an duine a bhuachan do Siansa Gael Linn na bliana seo.
Is comórtas é Siansa Gael Linn do ghrúpaí traidisiúnta. Tá an comórtas ar an bhfód breis is deich mbliana anois agus déanann an comórtas áirithe seo an-spreagadh agus ardán a thabhairt don chuid is fearr d’ógthallann ceoil agus amhránaíochta traidisiúnta na tíre.
Beidh ocht ngrúpa as iar-bhunscoileanna éagsúla as Co. na Gaillimhe, Co. Dhoire, Baile Átha Cliath, Co. Phort Láirge, Luimneach agus as Sligeach ag glacadh páirte sa chomórtas sa Cheoláras Náisiúnta ar an oíche agus gach bliain bíonn caighdeán den scoth ag na grúpaí a bhíonn i gcoimhlint lena chéile.
Ag moltóireacht ar Siansa na bliana seo beidh an ceoltóir aitheanta as Tír Chonaill, Ciarán Ó Maonaigh a bhíonn ag seinm leis an ngrúpa iomráiteach Fidil, an ceoltóir Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich as Baile na bPoc i gCorca Dhuibhne a bhíonn ag seinm leis na grúpaí Boys of the Lough agus Beginnishan agus beidh an ceoltóir iomráiteach Mary Bergin ón ngrúpa Dordán ina gcuideachta ar an oíche.
Anuraidh ba iad an grúpa Teaspach ó Scoil Ghraiméar Shligigh a bhain amach an chraobh lena gceol bríomhar agus amhráin bhinne agus i mí Eanáir ghlac siad páirt sa Templebar Tradfest sa Ardchathair.
Tá an-áthas ar Gael Linn atá ag ceiliúradh 60 bliain ar an bhfód i mbliana, go mbeidh Uachtarán na hÉireann, Mícheál D. Ó hUiginn mar phríomhaoi ag craobhchomórtas Siansa i mbliana. Craolfar an cheolchoirm beo ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ar an Domhnach, 14 Aibreán ag 7.30 pm agus is í Áine Hensey ón stáisiún sin a bheidh mar láithreoir.
Ceist na seachtaine seo:
Cá mbeidh Craobhchomórtas Siansa Gael Linn ar siúl i mbliana?
• Ceoláras Ollscoil Luimnigh
• Sa Cheoláras Náisiúnta
• Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich
• Áras Ceoldráma Loch Garman
Seol freagraí agus ainm do scoile chuig an seoladh ríomhphoist seo a leanas: duais@comhdhail.ie roimh mheán lae, 03 Aibreán 2013 agus bíodh na focail “Comórtas Gaelport” mar ábhar an ríomhphoist.
Comhghairdeas le Anraí Mac Fhlannchadha as Baile Átha Cliath a bhuaigh an duais san eagrán seo caite.
Tá Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge fíorbhuíoch de Gael Linn a bhronn na duaiseanna iontacha seo orainn.
Chun ticéad a chur in áirithe don ócáid, ní gá ach dul i dteagmháil leis an gCeoláras Náisiúnta ag 01:417 00 00 nó www.nch.ie – ná caill oíche den scoth!
Foilsithe ar Gaelport.com
Bruíon na mbuíon ar RónánBeo@3 – spriocdháta ag teannadh linn!
Márta 26, 2013
Mar chuid de ‘Sheachtain na nDaoine Óga’ tá clár RónánBeo@3 ag tabhairt dúshlán ceoltóirí óga na tíre páirt a ghlacadh sa chomórtas Bruíon na mBuíon.
Tá siad ag tabhairt cuireadh do ghrúpaí nó ceoltóirí aonaracha amhrán nuachumtha chomhaimseartha a chumadh agus a sheoladh isteach chucu.
Beidh moltóirí an chomórtais ag treabh fríd na hamhráin uilig a thiocfaidh chugainn anseo le buaiteoir amháin a aimsiú.
Beidh an buaiteoir a fhógairt ar an Aoine an 19ú Aibreán.
’Sé an duais a bhéas ann nó taifeadadh EP (3 traic) i stiúideo Tommy McLaughlin, ball den ghrúpa ceoil ‘The Villagers’ lena chois sin beidh cuireadh a thabhairt don bhuaiteoir seinm ag an Chabaret Craiceáilte.
- Tá an chomórtas seo dírithe ar dhaltaí meánscoile ar fud na tíre.
- Glacfar le hAmhráin chomhaimseartha nuachumtha le grúpa nó ceoltóirí aonaracha.
- Is féidir níos mó ná hiarratas amháin a sheoladh isteach ach an mhéid sin a chur in iúl i d’iarratas.
- Is é an Aoine an 29ú Márta spriocdháta an chomórtais!
- Seol d’amhrán chuig Rónán Beo RTÉ Raidió Na Gaeltacha, Na Doire Beaga, Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dhún na nGall nó mp3 chuig ronan@rte.ie
- Fógrófar an buaiteoir ar an Aoine an 19ú Aibreán.
- Ní bheidh athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar chinneadh na moltóirí.
A very Irish revolution taking place in Naas
Márta 26, 2013
There is an Irish revolution of sorts taking place in Naas and the surrounding areas these days. It’s the As Gaeilge Revolution.
Kildare is one of the fastest-growing Irish-speaking counties outside the Gaeltacht to take up the cupla focal and in Naas there has been a huge surge in Irish-speaking community activities and education in recent years.
For example, in the local education system there is now for the first time ever waiting lists for Gaelscoil Nas na Riogh in Piper’s Hill and the Gael Colaiste Chill Dara on the Newbridge Road.
In addition, there is also a host of family activities with Glor na Riogh, the weekly Bricfeasta as Gaeilge met-ups in Alice’s Restaurant, trad sessions and Irish language lessons with Sult na Sollan, to name but a few local organisations that are promoting and using the Irish language and its culture. The Leader caught up with various groups in Naas and Sallins during the recent Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Sallins lady Eithne Ni Fhlathartaith and Alice’s restaurant owner Eileen Meagher were the founding members of Bricfeasta as Gaeilge every Saturday morning for the simple grá of Irish language.
“I starting coming here to Alice’s three years ago now. I heard Eileen the owner speaking Irish to somebody and joined in the conversation and then I met the people from Sult na Sollan and we suggested setting up the Bricfeasta as Gaeilge,” explains Eithne.
“I was born in Dublin in an Irish speaking household and I went to an English-speaking school. My father was from Galway and that is where my love of Irish began. I don’t think a country is whole without its language and I think every person in this country have some bit of Irish and we all should be using it. There is an Irish revolution happening in Naas and Sallins and it is definitely growing. We have up to 20 people here every Saturday morning and we do Irish classes and cater for all abilities. A lot of people are rusty with the language and finding it difficult to find a place in Kildare to use their language and that’s where we come in.”
As the song says it’s true that you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant! “I’m from Two Mile House and we originally spoke only Irish in my house,“ explained owner and mother of three Eileen.
“I’m opened 21 years and a lady came into the restaurant a few years ago and said ‘I know who you are’. She use to cycle out to Two Mile House to speak Irish with my father because they had the same Spiddal Irish and so when she told me that we started in whispers. Then I met Eithne and Sult na Sollan got involved. My father played the box and piano accordion and we all spoke Irish and danced. We speak Irish during the week too and schoolchildren come into the restaurant to practice their as Gaeilge which is lovely. It’s all age groups and it’s amazing. We have the Gaeltacht here in Naas!”
The Leader also spoke to Dáithí de Faoite of Sult na Sollan. “County Kildare has been recognised as the fastest-growing Irish speaking area in the country,” he explains.
“If you look at the figures from the Central Statistics Office. There is about 42 per cent of people in the area who say they speak Irish. About 20,000 people just in Sallins, Naas, Kill, Johnstown, Prosperous area that speak Irish regularly. So it’s pretty enormous. What we are really trying to do is reach out and build on the network and grow the community. If there is anyone out there who would like to join in our activities just check out our website www.SultnaSollán.ie. We are involved not just in the Irish language but also Irish traditional music and dancing.”
Father of three Dáithí embraced the love of the Irish language after attending the Gaeltacht for several years with his brother and continuing that interest throughout college.
“Although I didn’t study Irish in college I have a great network of friends who speak Irish and are very passionate about. My wife is a Galway native Irish speaker and we are raising our kids through Irish. She works as a teacher in the Gael Colaiste so she actually speaks very little English in her life. It’s amazing really and it’s how all marriages should work!” he jokes.
Dáithí explains that Sult na Sollan runs weekly Irish classes in Sallins, regular trad sessions in Flanagans Mill and they also attend the Saturday morning bricfeasta in Alice’s.
“What is fantastic is that we have every generation here, from grandparents to newborns. It’s a real vibrant community. Once you can order your coffee, say hello to people and make the effort in Irish you are most welcome. And of course some people do speak better Irish with a bit of drink on them too but that would be at our trad sessions!”
A very confident seven-year-old Daragh de Faoite also spoke of his love of Irish to the Leader. “We speak Irish at home and at school. I love coming to Alice’s to get scones and bars. I go to Gael Scoil Nas na Riogh and I love muniteoir Niamh. I going to be an Irish teacher when I grow up and am going to teach in the same school I am in now.”
Naas mother of three and secondary-school teacher Siobhain Grogan is very involved in Gael Scoil Nas na Riogh and Glor na Riogh. She spoke to the Leader before a Seachtain na Gaeilge family trip to K-Bowl.
“I was brought up in Naas. I went to school through English and my husband was brought up in Mayo through English. We are both secondary school teachers in an English-speaking school in Dublin. In recent years we have observed a lot of students switching between different languages and we had huge admiration and envy. So we had a chat and we decided to school our children through Irish and Irish culture. We had our first child eight years ago and we now have two other children, and we always speak Irish at home. Our children have been Irish speakers since birth and can flip between English and Irish. We can see the benefits of our children being bilingual and the cultural associations and it doesn’t matter if we had it growing up or not. We are learning too. There’s a great Irish-speaking community here in Naas and we’re looking to expand on that.”
Scoil Mhuire debates its way to All Ireland win
Márta 26, 2013
After some tough talking as gaeilge, three sixth-year students from Scoil Mhuire in Cork have won the prestigious Gael Linn national debating competition, becoming the first Cork school to scoop the Irish language debating title.
Team captain Aisling Hourihan, Emma Dobson and Zoe Boland opposed the motion that the Irish people have lost their national identity. They interpreted identity as closely associated with culture, language, sport and homegrown Irish heroes with whom the nation identifies.
The team, coached by Samantha Mulcahy with help from teacher Eileen Dineen, argued convincingly, in their native tongue, the Irish still have a very strong national identity. They were presented with the Corn An Phiarsaigh and each girl also won a cash prize.
“The girls are a credit to the school and their families that they are so passionate about Irish language,” a Scoil Mhuire spokesperson said.
“It is a great honour and a credit for the school that they have become the first Cork school to win this competition.
“We are not an all-Irish language school but we do put huge emphasis on oral Irish and we are delighted to get recognition for that.”
The girls made it through to the national final after talking their way through the Munster round of competition opposing the motion ‘tá mórchinntí an rialtais seo ar leas an náisiúin’ —that this Government’s major decisions are benefiting the nation — and defeating Presentation College, The Mardyke, Cork, Pobalscoil Eoin Baiste, Hospital, Co Limerick, and Laurel Hill Secondary School, Limerick.
Féile na bPáistí i mBéal Feirste
Márta 26, 2013
Bunaíodh Féile na bPáistí sa bhliain 1998 agus tá fás agus forbairt tar éis teacht ar an bhFéile ó shin.
Bíonn Féile na bPáistí i measc na n-ócáidí éagsúla a eagraíonn Young at Art.
An aidhm atá ag Young at Art ná páistí a spreagadh i dtreo na healaíne agus an deis a thabhairt dóibh eolas a bheith acu ar an ealaín agus labhairt faoi.
Bíonn ceardlanna, imeachtaí agus turais á n-eagrú ag Young at Art.
Bhí Meon Eile i láthair ag ócáid faoi leith le linn Fhéile na bPáistí, Sos agus Scéalta.
Fuair na páistí a bhí i láthair an deis suaimhneas a ghlacadh agus suí síos chun éisteacht le scéalta Gaeilge agus Béarla in áit chiúin chompordach.
Féach an físeán ar www.meoneile.ie